Monday, June 7, 2010

Good News! But.......

My appointment with Dr. Dracula was scheduled for 10:30 this morning.  Ginger and I sat and waited and hung out and waited some more.  I was finally taken to an examination room.  Dr. D. waltzed in just after 12:00 noon.  I had not had breakfast, so by then I was cranky with hunger, tired of sitting, and anxious about all the test results.  But I kept my cool, not an easy thing for me these days.  I see him again in 2 months (August 9th).  His scheduler asked me what time I would like to see him that day.  I replied, "Any time that I don't have to wait for an hour and a half."  My next appointment is at 9:00 AM.  We'll see how it goes.

Before I saw Dr. Dracula, I visited with the technician who took vial #24 of blood.  Actually, I don't think I can count this one.  The tube was only about an inch and a half long and a quarter of an inch wide.  This sample came from my finger.  She asked which finger I wanted her to use, so of course I gave her the middle one.  No.  Seriously.  I gave her the finger.  She laughed so hard that I thought she was going to fall off her stool, and then she told me I was funny.  I told her that I don't do anything unless I can have fun. :-)  She got me back, though.  The blood sample was for a CBC (Complete Blood Count) and she squeezed the bejeebers out of my finger!

Anyway, the wonderful, marvelous, excellent news is that I don't have anything that even remotely resembles any type of blood cancer.  I am totally grateful for that.


The normal SED rate for a human is below 20.  Mine is 88.  This indicates a whole lot of inflammation or an infection somewhere in the body.  The protein level in my blood is elevated, too.  This also indicates inflammation or infection in the body.  We can rule out infection because I'm not running a high fever and my white cell count is fine.  So that means inflammation.  I will now be seeing a rheumatologist, Dr. OhMyAchyBody.  Someone from Dr. Dracula's office is setting up that appointment and will call me with the details.  In the meantime, I'm still so sore and tired that I can't half think.

I love my life!  I'm glad that I'm alive to gripe about it. :-)


  1. Okay girlfriend, great news NO BLOOD CANCER! I am so happy and relieved for you. I'll be honest, I was truly worried and have prayed and prayed and lit candles for you. I am smiling my friend and so should you. Hey, if it's arthritis, you can handle that! I know you have been through a lot, but you are one strong lady and I admire you for all your strength and ability to "keep on trucking". My aunt had the same symptoms as you are describing and finally after test after test and doctor after doctor she was diagnosed with fibromyalgia. By the way, I, too, am glad you are alive and able to gripe about things. I love your blogs and love you too my friend. Hang in there, you will get feeling better soon and then lookout everyone, Debby is back to 100%.

  2. I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia back in 1995, so we know the doc won't be looking for that, haha! Hey, did you get my e-mail with my new e-mail address?

  3. Yes, dear I did. Thanks. I've been busy with school ending, today was the last day so it's been very hectic and lots of sad goodbyes for the teachers and kiddies.

  4. Man, why do you get to have all of the fun? Can you hear the sarcasm dripping from each word? What can I say but keep using that wonderful sense of truly is your best defense. I was really worried about a serious blood disorder. Am very relieved to hear that's eliminated. I, too, love to take on the blood hungry techs, but I've never given them the finger. Shame! ROTF
