Saturday, May 29, 2010


Almost every time I say "thank you" to someone these days, I get back "No problem."  "Not a problem."  "Nada problem."  "No problemo."  What in the heck does that mean?  I'll be helped as long as it's not a "problem", no effort has to be exerted on my behalf, I don't interrupt the person's texting or whatever?  When did people stop saying "you're welcome"?  "You're welcome" really means something.  Someone was happy to help me.  Someone felt good about giving me a hand up.  Someone thought I was worth the time and effort.  All "no problem" means is that I wasn't considered at all as a human being.  It means that I wasn't a blip on the radar.  It means that I was so insignificant that someone wouldn't have helped me if it had been a disturbance in the force.  Thanks for nothing.

If I thank you for doing something for me, please give me the courtesy of a "you're welcome."  Act like what you did for me was important.  Act like I exist.  Give me an acknowledgment.

Thank you........and you're welcome. 


  1. Right on target. If I've said 'no problem', I won't do it again. Great insight into altering/slaughtering the English language. I wish you could pick 2 Reactions on blogs.

  2. Amen to that my friend. Seems like the English language is "butchered" more and more these days. What ever happened to: please, thank you, you're welcome, etc, etc, etc??
